DIY Papercraft Space Invaders

For a lot of geeks, nothing’s better than old-school video games. Unless, of course, it’s decorations based on old-school video games, especially ones you build yourself, like these papercraft Space Invaders aliens.

This cool project come to us from Laboratory 424. What makes it even better is that these blocky 8-bit aliens are in 3D. All you need is a hobby knife,  scissors, a self-healing mat, paper, and poster adhesive packs.

The instructions are available on the site, and the pattern is provided in a PDF file.  You’ll be building pixels and sticking them to your wall. The best part is that if a gaming party gets out of hand and one of the blocks get damaged, you can just replace one of them instead of creating a new set of aliens from scratch. Since they don’t use any glue, you can pick them up and move them around on your walls, and take them with you when you move.

Soon, you’ll have your own Space Invaders aliens, perfect for hanging above your chair. You’ll probably find yourself looking over your shoulder to see if they’re shooting at you, though. We won’t laugh if you duck under your coffee table.

For more papercraft-related videogame fun, check out a French NES monster and a papercraft Mario.