Facebook Lite Launched in US and India

Facebook Lite, the quicker, simpler and lighter interface of Facebook, has just opened its access to users in the US and India, and from what it seems…people are going to be happy with the Facebook Lite alternative for a quicker response.

New Facebook Lite as explained by Facebook itself is:

a faster, simpler way to keep in touch with your friends. If you like it, you may choose to use it instead of the regular Facebook…

Since it has just been launched, there isn’t too much information except what it was aimed to do. Facebook Lite provides a cleaner and simpler interface that is not as crowded as to what we are used to every day when logging in to the regular Facebook. In addition, since it doesn’t load EVERYTHING you have installed and keeps just necesseties: Profile, Events, Inbox and the “choice” to view Top Stories, updates are in real time.

All your applications and different games are not included in Facebook Lite, which also add to the speedy response of the interface.

For those that go onto Facebook to play, socialize and everything else besides just keeping in touch, Facebook Lite may not be the greatest alternative. But for those that want a quick, clean, and responsive interface without all the clutter, Facebook Lite could come in handy.

Unfortunately, Facebook Lite is brand new, so bugs may occur and they are open to ideas. As they mention:

…We still have work to do before it’s done, but we’d love to get your feedback on what we’ve built so far.

Facebook Lite is only available in the US and India for now, so if you are not there, you still have to wait to try it out.

For other related Facebook News please read up on the Facebook Fan Check Virus, or for fun Facebook news, check out the funny Facebook Prank or the cool looking Facebook Business Cards.

Facebook Lite