Retro Galaga Tattoo Kicks Butt

We love Galaga, but have a problem with it: whenever we’re playing it at our S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Tony Stark notices and makes us look like fools.

This tattoo, though, is a great tribute and won’t piss off Nick Fury, but maybe make him hungry. It belongs to a Fashionably Geek reader, and as he explains, “This is my awesome Galaga arm tattoo. Not only is it retro gamey, but the pixelated grilled cheese at the top is for a local grilled cheese restaurant here in Cleveland called Melt. If you get a tattoo resembling their logo you get 25% off for life! So my tat is doubly cool.”

Way to go, pal, we wholeheartedly agree. We also want to show our readers some other cool tattoos at WTF Of The Day: Converse Chucks Tattoo and Sailor Mars Tattoo Looks Great.