Game Boy Style Accessories Make a Fashion Statement

We all know what an indelible impression the Game Boy has left on our generation, and though consoles have developed by leaps and bounds, this 8-bit handheld video game device still has an influence over our lives.

Now, if you would like to show the world that the Game Boy is inextricably linked to your life somehow, what better way than accessorizing the Game Boy?

The Game Boy ring could be given to your lover as a sign of love and promise, while the Game Boy Necklace is something that you could wear on the geek-night-out.

You can also take a look at the Game Boy Hoodie which could be used as a style accessory. The Game Boy Cartridge could also be used in the Normal NES, thanks to a minor mod. It certainly looks like the Game Boy has anything but disappeared, and it still lives on in our hearts as one of our favourite gaming devices.