Game of Thrones for Graph Lovers

How big has Game of Thrones become? Well, pretty big, because for most mainstream TV fans and even for some who read the books, it seems that the series is no longer ‘A song of ice and fire’ like it’s actually called. Just ‘Game of Thrones’, because even if you don’t watch the HBO series, there’s no way in hell you haven’t heard of it.

The next video describes, in a nice stop-motion coloring sequence that portrays many graphs, that have something to do with a bit of real or fictional numbers about the show and the books. The awesomeness of them, the characters, and also a bit of complaining about what’s wrong.

Spoilers Ahead. Achtung.

For example, the biggest shock in the first season and the first book is obviously the death of Ned Stark, which leads to the theory of GRRM killing off the favorite and most important characters. It’s not entirely true, but for those who have read past A storm of swords, you know it isn’t necessarily wrong either.

Another point of reference is the nudity. There’s a lot of sex and graphic scenes of violence in the books, who after five volumes have more words in them than the bible (1.7 million to 1). Obviously, being an HBO show, there’s plenty of nudity on the screen as well, sometimes for no apparent reason, leading to what is known as sexposition – using the invented sex scenes to give characters a chance to talk about their past and motives, which usually comes out as inner monologues in the books.