The Geekiest Scrabble Game Ever!

Many may think that Geeks stay Online to surf the web, design websites or play World of Warcraft, but it seems that some also like a good challenging game of Scrabble.

This Scrabble board game example shows a game in progress that looks as if the Geek’s dictionary was used for most (if not all) of the words. I can only hope the actual letter combinations and board scoring provides an high tally of points as well…and doesn’t just look cool, I mean Geek.

Just to prove that Geeks were playing this game from FatSeth, you can find words such as: Hacker, Internet, Linux, ROFL, Noob, Yahoo, Tesla, Email, LMAO, Virus and many more.

Along with the Scrabble Keyboard mod, this could be the most educational way for a Geek’s training course to enhance their vocabulary.