Greenpois0n Jailbreaks Apple TV Now

The Greenpois0n Jailbreak is definitely making its rounds, first providing an iOS 4.1 Jailbreak Windows version, then an iOS 4.1 Mac and Linux Jailbreak and now the brand new Apple TV Jailbreak.

The image shows a jailbroken Apple TV which is very exciting to the Jailbreaking community, but we are still looking forward to see what will become of this, since there are not known apps available for Apple TV just yet. Moreover, it supposedly isn’t just a one-click magic trick as many would hope, but if you can Jailbreak it…people will come.

What are your thoughts of the new Apple TV Greenpoison Jailbreak…perfect, premature or what the heck for?

For other Jailbreaking info, check out the Limera1n Jailbreak for Windows and the Limera1n for Mac.

Greenpois0n Via: Gadgetvenue, TechCheeImage