V for Cuteness? Guy Fawkes Amigurumi

East meets west when the main character in V for Vendetta, V, gets represented in traditional amigurumi style.

V, the guy wearing the Guy Fawkes mask, is nowadays a symbol of non-conformism, fighting and revolution. It has been so ever since V for Vendetta became a major hit with movie audiences, but particularly since hacktivist group Anonymous, and image boards in general started using him as sort of an official “mascot”. The Spanish artist, Winga, decided to tribute this modern symbol of revolution in amigurumi form.

This version V can’t really scare anyone, but that’s not the point of Amigurmi. V looks great with his cape and hat, like he could rival Batman, the Dark Knight himself in who’s wearing the most black. Also, we’re not sure if it can be appreciated from this picture, but V is actually carrying the accompanying cape.

The cape has the V for Vendetta logo, and again, it’s not threatening but absolutely cute. Also, as it’s not sewed to the amigurumi, it can be taken off if anyone wants to. In the end, we’re not sure if this will match everyone’s vision of one of the most badass, politically compromised characters in modern fiction, but that’s beside the point: Winga took the character and made it her own, keeping it recognizable but adding a healthy dose of cute to her tribute.

If after seeing this you feel like you need the mask itself, go here, or watch some more revolutionary art as seen in the Occupy Wall Street Pumpkins.