Cool Hellboy Lego Figure

Johnny Tang has built the LEGO Hellboy with all the details you could possibly imagine. It is rather surprising that such intricate details could be expressed in the sculpture through LEGO blocks, which is usually very difficult. The red building blocks used create the hellish fiery body of the Hellboy and the pecs and abs that Hellboy possesses in the sculpture could make any budding bodybuilder feel a sense of inferiority.

Mike Mignola might definitely be amused to see the plastic abs of Hell Boy when he originally intended the demon to fight evil forces like the Nazis and Baba Yaga, and also protect the US government in the process. There is no information about the availability or price, but I am sure one could try building Hell Boy using the LEGO building blocks themselves.

Certainly one would need extraordinary skills and patience in order to put together all the building blocks and create an awesome looking Hell Boy like we see here. Hell Boy has certainly inspired many people to create designs based on his character. The Hellboy Lego is an already created version of the character and the Hellboy Art Doll is aesthetic in its own way. All these dolls and sculptures have been created after much effort and hard work.

Via: BrothersBrick