Church iBand Rocks Out to Christmas Carols on iPad

MP3 Players are some of the most popular portable devices on the market, next to the cell phone, and even cellphones have MP3 built in. It seems like being able to carry around your music is something people want to be able to do. However, these gentlemen at North Point Community Church wants to be able to do more than that, so they formed a band for that very reason. It isn’t just any old church band though, it’s a band that features as its instruments borrowed iPads and iPhones.

These geeky looking characters performed a set of classic Christmas carols at a Christmas concert, using borrowed iPads and iPhones to create the different sounds. The end result was absolutely interesting, and unlike anything I’ve ever seen, with the exception of Chiptunes music. Of course, the concept is pretty interesting because it makes use of the iPad and iPhone in a way that is fun and creative. It’s definitely entertaining, and the group ensemble works out well.

The band features a keyboard, tambourines, bells, a couple of guitar replacements, and a couple of lead melody apps, like an Autotune app. The idea is really neat, but I’ll be the first to admit that the guys look kind of silly on stage, playing with their substitute instruments and moving around like they’re doing some physical instrument playing that they can actually get into. Don’t get me wrong, I did say it was a neat idea. But watch the video and see for yourself.

In case you live under a rock, or just don’t listen to Christmas carols, that setlist featured “Carol of the Bells,” “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” and “Feliz Navidad.” The overall feel of the concert isn’t very festive, but the music and the creativity is definitely there.

For more creative things you can do with the Apple Products, check out the Angry Bird Christmas App for various Apple Products and the Multi-track recording App for the iPad.