Kisai Cybertronic Watch Is Out Of This World!

When watchmakers sit to design a watch, the first question that probably arises must be the type of watch; whether the watch will be analogue or digital? But, I have long failed to guess what the designers at Kisai must be thinking when they come up with designs like The Cybertronic, a fitting entry in their already heavy arsenal of neither analogue nor digital watches.

The Cybertronic, like the other Kisai Watches that have been presented, looks like it has come right out of a James Bond movie. The metallic chrome finish, the green LED’s, and the rigid looks that the watch sports make this watch out of the world. If you wanna be the guy who is talked about in gossip groups then wear this watch and speak no word. Like other Kisai and Tokyoflash watches, this wrist gadget has some different ways of reading time. It has twelve small bars on the top for the hours, below it are eleven long bars for the 5 minute increments and the twelfth long bar is further divided into four small bars for the four single minutes.

With such a system, the girl by your side would have to ask you for the time instead of silently peeking at your watch to know the time. In short, Kisai watches get you the girls, err… at least the geeky girls. If you like weird but cool gadgets and devices then you should not miss all the other Tokyoflash watches that have been talked about in the past by us.

Via: Tokyoflash