Klokicker: The Soccer Urinal Sieve

Given the current football mania rocking the world with the FIFA World Cup 2010 being played, this new concept is bound to make waves. The Klokicker – football urinal sieve is precisely what the name suggests, a sieve that is shaped in the form of a goal post and which can be fitted onto your urinal.

Is this not an interesting concept? Well, it certainly is, at least according to the makers. This new addition to your toilet is an excellent way to join the present football fever and actually score a goal too.

If you are wondering how, it’s very simple. The moment you hit the target, the ball changes color and this can be a great pass time for men, even after the football fever ends. I guess this is the reason why the website advertising this product calls it the thing that will make a man’s heart leap with joy while a woman groans loudly. Nevertheless, this new toy is definitely something that sports clubs, restaurants, stadiums, fan bars, clubs and other similar public places should invest in to attract more men.

Check out some other fun and interesting gadgets, two of which are the Toilet Paper Puzzle and the Gangsta Gadgets.

Via: Klokicker