Banish Darkness With This Legend of Zelda Triforce Lamp

Available from Esty shop TheBackPackShoppe, check out this radiant Legend of Zelda Triforce lamp.

Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Three mighty virtues that comprise the Triforce, a sacred Hyrule relic that frequently reappears in The Legend of Zelda series and grants the wish of whomever touches it. Oh, and it makes for a really cool lamp that can be hanged on a wall or on top of an end table too.

At least when it comes from Etsy seller TheBackPackShoppe, craftsmen of other fine video game related goods. Like a fantastic Super Mario Bros. Question Block lamp, or a cute set of Tetris magnets that I’m darn sure you’ve probably seen either here, or across web before. Well, they’re back once again, and this time with an illuminating (see what I did there!) take on an iconic gaming symbol.

For $95 (shipping not included) you get an enchanting Triforce lamp, 11-inches on each side, made from a lovely poplar frame and birch face, which casts a soft, beautiful glow from its florescent-bulb lighting source. Although, this only happens if your heart is good. Because as legend say, the Triforce shapes its powers depending on the ‘true intent’ of the person who holds it.

Allow me to break it down for you. If your intentions are truly good, the lamp will shine bright and pure. But if you’re the idiot who jerkishly cut me off on the highway yesterday while I was trying to reach my exit, the lamp will purge a soul-crushing darkness and you’ll forever be lost in maddening depths of hell! Mwahahahaha!

OKAY. OKAY. That’s not true. This Triforce lamp won’t do any of that. Though wouldn’t it be super awesome if it did? Consider that jewel of an idea for your next revision, okay TheBackPackShoppe? Cool.

Anywho, as you might expect for a product so awesome, there’s a bit of a backlog of orders right now for the Triforce lamp. And by “a bit,” I mean 4 to 10 weeks. No worries! During the wait you can think up places of where you can put it. I for one believe it would look absolutely splendid as the pièce de résistance on any mantelpiece.

Breaking news, peeps! King of the social-networking jungle, Facebook, has just added another arsenal to its side by purchasing the popular mobile photo-sharing service Instagram for – sit down for this – one million dollars. Whoa. Stay tuned to Walyou for more of your tech news and everything else geek. Game of Thrones cosplay? Yeah, we got that too.