Medieval Jousting, Segway Style

This is easily the greatest use of Segways in the history of personal transporters. It’s easy to look at people wearing helmets on Segway tours and think, “Ha! They don’t need those.” But in this case yes, yes they do.

Two Segway riders jousting in the middle of a muddy field in front of friends. Can life get any better? The sixty second spot puts a classic spin on current technology and it’s all for a Washington Lottery commercial. The directors of this video deserve a lot of credit for being able to find a great way to grab viewers’ attention.

The scene begins with the respective jousters putting on their suits of armor. The field of battle is muddy as rain pours from the skies. Like something out of a Ridley Scott movie, the two men continue through their preparations in slow motion.

As they start heading toward one another, mini-goosebumps form. Where are the faces of the beasts they are riding? When the familiar whir of the Segway PT comes out of your speakers it’s hard not to smile. What better way to explain to someone that playing the lottery is a good idea than show him or her the ultimate video of awesome money usage.

While comical in this commercial, Segway jousting is not new by any means. Videos of Segway jousts can be found all over the interwebs, but this one takes the cake. If nothing else, it sure beats the heck out of Segway Polo (sorry Steve Wozniak!).

Can you imagine how different the Crusades would have been if Segways were used?

For more posts on Segways, check out TRON Segway Rolls Into the Future, Steampunk Segway Scooter and Trick Out Your Geeky Ride With this ColorWare Segway.

Via: Creativity Online