Milk VR by Samsung wants to make virtual reality a daily habit

The Oculus, project Morpheus, Samsung VR and others are bringing their VR headsets to the markets, but there’s hardly any content to watch in them. This is what Samsung intends to change with Milk VR, where they want to turn Virtual Reality into a daily habit.

Virtual reality content is, as of now, pretty scarce. Whether or not VR headsets are accessible, the truth is that there’s not much to do with them as of now save play a very limited number of videogames, and watch the same few demos over and over. This is what Samsung intends to change with Milk VR, named after their streaming service. Users will be able to download and stream free content as Gear VR owners, featuring a constant flow of new things to watch. The idea is to turn VR into a “daily habit” for the users, like milk itself: instead of featuring a couple videos here and there, create content that engages the users and asks them to come back for more new content by known personalities.

A group of users will start beta testing with a series of technical previews and a limited library of content, but Samsung promises the flow will be regular soon, with videos ranging from 1 to 10 minutes. Some of the categories they’re working with are music, sports, action and lifestyle, all ready to be enjoyed in glorious 4K x 2K resolutions.

Don’t forget to follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter. And read more related stories at Samsung Gear VR will set you back $199 USD and Samsung Gear VR Headset Announced, Will Work With Galaxy Note 4.