Control the Mini Rover Spy Tank Using Your iPad or iPhone

A new remote-controlled “spy tank” has a built in camera and wi-fi that lets it be controlled through an App for your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.

This nifty little device is the latest piece of personal spy gear, and remote controlled goodness. Controlled entirely through a free App called the Rover Control-App, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website and installed on any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Using a built in wi-fi adapter, with ranges of up to 200 feet, owners can maneuver the tank using on screen touch controls. Users cans steer the tank using arrow buttons and manually control the acceleration.

Operators can control the rover by using its real time video stream thanks to its onboard video camera. For dark nights, or creepy basements, the camera has a night vision mode that can be switched on. The device also captures audio, so you can listen in to nearby conversations or be warned of someone coming, and can take still images when needed.

Thanks to some rather sturdy treads, these little guys can make it over some bumps in the terrain like carpets and small door frames without a problem. Just watch out for stairs or taller obstacles that will stop them dead in their tracks.

How’s that for a geeky gadget? 20 years ago these things existed only in science fiction or were the result of top secret government projects. In fact, even back when I was a kid, having a remote control monster truck without a cord was considered high tech! This sort of technology has really come a long way from the late 80s and early 90s. Nevermind the fact that it also has a camera on it.

According to our source, you can bring home your own remote control spy tank for somewhere just under $200. Not too shabby for your own spy tank, or at the very least, a cool gadget that anyone in the family can pick up and have some fun with.

In other news, Halloween is just around the corner so be sure to check out the 8 bestvideo games for Halloween and all you iOS fanatcis should also look into 8 of the best iPad cases and covers.