Rip your Books into PDF with BookSnap

Do you have a library of books that you deeply care about? Would you love to have a backup of your entire collection of documents, journals, or past magazines on PDF in case something terrible happens to them? Atiz provides a viable and efficient solution to rip your books in order to have a digital backup in PDF format.

The BookSnap provides an effective machine to digitally take pictures of your books in a speedy and efficient manner.

The entire contraption is shaped to get the most out of your books. It opens the books and provides an additional tool that will hold the pages open, so your digital cameras can take the picture and transfer them to your computer. All the images are then placed together into one file as one book.

It can snap pictures at a rate of up to 500 pages an hour, but unfortunately you still need to flip the pages. In addition, it costs $1595, which is a tad expensive for most consumers, but comparable commercial machines could costs $20,000.

The Atiz site has a visual presentation of how it works and also offers a Do It Yourself version, which states it could be even faster (up to 700 pages an hour).

For the ready packages or DIY kits, you can check out the Atiz Store.

Via: Engadget