Badass Dick Grayson / Robin Cosplay By Eriol Kun

Robin is slowly shaking off the “disciple of Batman” tag, and slowly becoming an interesting character on his own, and proof of that is the love he’s getting from fans. One of the most passionate we’ve seen, at that, is Eriol Kun who chose to depict him in one of his last photoshoots in his Young Justice version, which also happens to be our favorite.

It’s the first time we talk about Eriol Kun here, but his name should ring a bell with those who care about cosplay at all, for being one of the most meticulous and hard working guys in the scene, which if you compare with the crazy amount of ladies, it’s sort of an oddity.

This set in particular was done in collaboration with Sergio Aguirre AKA Instanto, who managed to get the cold of the streets of Gotham in this set, so our congratulations go to him, too.

There are more cosplay posts you can check out at Incredible Lightning Cosplay (FFXIII) by Neko-tin and Walyou Interview With Cosplayer Candu Stark.