The Rock Band Concert Cake Provides Edible Music

If you fancy some music in your throat, the literal way, you should perhaps gulp a mouthful of this delicious looking Rock Band Concert Cake that one Guitar Hero groupie has baked for us. You have a guitar for the acoustics, a microphone for the vocals, and of course the quintessential drums for some soul-lilting, edible music. We are not sure what the recipe is, but it is quite apparent that this creation by PhotosBySgo has been heavily inspired by the Guitar Hero series, evident from the blues, reds, greens and the yellows prominently flashed on the drums and the guitar.

We would stop short of calling it a fitting tribute to the cult music video game; but from an aesthetic point of view and certainly from a gourmet’s perspective, the cakes are gulp-able. Well, sometimes we do need to take a break from all the gaming and the strumming, and give the gut some fodder…the enthusiast’s way. The cakes are a hit, alright!

If you are a Guitar Hero buff, you might want to check out the Guitar Hero Necktie and the Guitar Hero Controller Cufflinks.