Rubik’s Cube Stop-Motion Tetris

The Rubik’s Cube is often considered to have been a fad, yet it still holds up today as a relatively popular toy, at least to the extent that people of various ages can recognize one. This stop-motion video takes a different spin, so to speak, on the rotating puzzle. Fashioning the various colors into a sort of pixel art, the faces of various cubes are put together to provide an awesome stop-motion animation of the popular classic video game Tetris. Assuming one doesn’t cheat by popping the cubes apart or reapplying the colored stickers, creating art like this also requires either a level of extreme patience or, more likely, extensive knowledge on how Rubik’s Cubes work. As I’m sure many of you know, there are simple patterns one can learn to solve a Cube quickly and learn how to manipulate the faces into a desired pattern.

The first ‘level’ of the video features the standard Tetris layout and shapes, showing us the familiar blocks stacking up in preparation for the never-seems-to-come-when-you-need-it ‘line piece’ (which is also parodied in the Tetris God Video). However, the next two stages make things a bit more interesting. The second uses a playing field four Cubes across, and blocks consisting of five squares instead of the original four. As you’d probably guess, the third adds an extra degree of complexity with a fifth column of Rubik’s Cubes and some baffling six-square blocks. All of the stages designed and executed by YouTube user BananaNiel are quite amazing to watch, especially in HD. I do warn you, however, that the clip of him explaining the procedure after about the 1:30 mark may induce seizures.

The Insert Coin Animation is another magnificently-made, stop-motion tribute to gaming. Or if you simply have a taste for more Tetris nostalgia, you could check out how to Play Tetris Using Your Kinect.

Via: Gamgea