Sesame Street Cufflinks Are The Perfect Accessory For Grown Up Kids

Bert and Ernie are one of the most recognized characters from the long-running T.V show Sesame Street. These two roommates are the cool comic duo that have always made us laugh and feel happy, not to mention they are also every kid’s favorite comic duo. Now the cool duo is here to stay in the hearts and wardrobe of kids in the form of a cool geeky set of cufflinks that make a statement of their own.

These cufflinks are all handmade and hand-sculpted using polymer clay and then varnished for extra protection, later they are securely mounted on a set of cufflinks for the perfect geeky accessory. Selling for $13.00 a set they might become highly popular among the kids and the grown-ups who are still kids at heart.

These cufflinks are made to order, hence you can get all types of customizations you want and have a really great time showing them off! You can also have a look at the other cool accessories for kids like the Call out Pencil Case or the Hellboy KeyChain Figure and the Movie Characters Mobile Charms that are a riot!