SohoOS Free Business Tools Favored By Entrepreneurs

All-in-one business management systems come a dime a dozen, but how many can give you that extra edge and convenience for free? Well, the creators of SohoOS believes theirs can.

And it’s not only Soho, as venture capital firm Mangrove Capital Partners find it worth $1.75 million of their own investment, along with over 25,000 businesses that signed up for the Beta platform debuted.

And I can see why. Signing up for SohoOS is the least complicated registration process I have ever encountered. All you need is your name, business, e-mail address and phone number, and you’re good to go. Yes,  really; that’s it.

Once registered, the all-in-one web-based business platform features a well-organized contact system, which unifies all your contacts, vendors, and clients in one manageable application.  Soho OS also features easily customizable reports with included templates, marketing tools aimed at business growth and client retention, a social community application that allows you to find and connect with potential partners and clients, and an especially nifty payment processing tool that handles invoices and payments better than Brett Farvre a football (Okay, not the best example, but he’s still going to make the Hall of Fame).

If you want to learn more about the idea in simplistic terms, check out their cute animated video below:

SohoOS is really trying to do something special with this venture by making business tools accessible to thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners who already have the odds stacked against them due to corporate enterprises. This business suite seems to be the real deal, although you may still end up paying for some extra features (SMS an VoIP) Still, free is a raw deal for the basics any small business needs in an online marketplace. Oh, and did we mention they have an iPhone app? They do.

Via: TechCrunch