Learn to Make Your Own Steampunk Hard Drive Case

Steampunk gadgets are always heart stealing and in this New Year let us learn to make an alluring steampunk hard drive case.

For those of you who already have a steampunk monitor or keyboard, this steampunk hard drive case will be a worth addition to the collection. To make this unique steampunk hard drive case, you need a portable hard drive, a sheet of medium thin brass, bag of brass rivets, black heavy thread, leather dye, small digital clock with fake gold setting, piece of tooling leather, tandy leather, tooling shoulder, 3/32 x 4 x 36 balsa wood piece, ¼ x 4 x 36 balsa wood piece and a 2” Quartz brass fancy clock.

Apart from these materials, you will require some tools for making DIY a steampunk hard drive case. Here is a list of tools used for making this hard drive case, including, sandpaper, pencil, sponge, 2 ziplock bags, superglue, rotary leather punch, dremel rotary tool, sharp utility knife, forester bit set, river setter and drill press.

Once, you have collected all these materials and tools for making a steampunk hard drive case, the next step would be to cut things into proper size. For this, keep your hard disk drive over the thicker balsa wood and then trace around it to get the actual size of the drive. Do the same with the thinner wood and using a utility knife, you can easily cut out the wood in the desired shape.

After this, place the thinner piece of wood on the bottom side of the drive and the thicker one on the top. Now, use this thickness for determining the wrap of the size of the leather you wish to use. Make sure to develop a height of the leather piece several inches longer than the drive size in order to make a flap to cover the top.

By now, you are almost half way through in the procedure of making a steampunk hard drive case. You have your leather temporary wrapped around the drive. For making the base, cut out another piece of thick balsa wood of the same size. Keep in mind to round the corners using a knife to fit the curve of the leather wrapped “sandwich”.

Not just the tech world, but the world of art also got inspired from Steampunk and we can see the evidence in this lovely Steampunk Horse Design.

Via: Unpluggd