Steampunk Optimus Prime

Here’s one for fans of the classics. Enter the Steampunk Optimus Prime that combines the leader of the Autobots with some amazing Steampunk Art.
This Steampunk remodelling of the famous leader of the Autobots is a very detailed design, made by the Encline Design team. What’s more, the design is reflective of the Steampunk tradition, with Optimus’ vehicle mode being none other than the steam engine from IDW’s comic-book, Hearts of Steel.
The model features functional lights and wheels that roll, and a detachable trailer that Optimus uses as a secondary weapon, similar to the trailer in his well-known firetruck mode.
The detailing of the model is remarkable. Without the need to look closely, you can see the metallic studs along his body that may have been used for keeping the sheet metal together.
The paint scheme looks really good as well; the standard red and blue colours we all know of Optimus are mixed in with the elements that make this a really Steampunk design. This includes the gunmetal grey, the paint wash rather than straight painting, the metallic look, bronze smoke pipes, and the cannon-based gun. The facial detail is pretty cool too; in the dark with just the lights on the model, you get a really cool view of the facial features.
One of the notable features on this model are the hydraulic cables, which makes sense, since that would be the best way for the design to actually be historically suited to the Steampunk era. The design is a metallic redesign of the plastic train model with a Steampunk paint scheme. With all the parts being fully transformable, the heavy weapon trailer, and all the detail the model contains, it is a really cool piece. You can check out more images below.
More on the artwork:
Concept art from the comic for Optimus can be seen here:
You can check out other Steampunk-inspired ideas such as the Steampunk monorail or the Steampunk USB stick. Or if you’re a die-hard Transformers fan, you can check out this Autobots vs. Decepticons tattoo, or the Transformers Media Player skin for Windows Media Player.