14 Superheros & Villains in Robotic Form

Would the world, the comic book world, be better, if everyone in it were robots? It’s surprising we don’t have something that’s similar to the Ultimate Marvel universe exploring that, but according to the brilliant artwork of Justin Currie, it would look quite awesome.

Robotic Batman

Might remind some of when Terry McGinnis wore the suit in the animated series Batman Beyond.

Mr. Freeze & Penguin

Every robotic batman needs robotic madmen to pose as his Gotham enemies.

Bane & Catwoman in Robot Form

Venom, apparently, makes robots bigger as well.

The Joker as an Insane Robot

They wired the circuits wrong with this one right from the start.

Robotic Asgardian Thor

I don’t know why a robot would need the best hammer in the world, but whatever.

Spider Man in Two Different Chromes

Even robots like to dress differently according to their moods.

An Incredible, Hulking Robot

A robot that smashes.

Loki, the Mischievous Robot

In one version or another, this guy gets smashed by the very same Hulk that’s above him.


The Marvel Universe if flooded by Doom-Bots anyway.

An Alien Kind of Robot

Symbiotes take over Robots too.

Iron Man, More Robotic Than Ever

The closest human being (Marvel human being that is) to a robot anyway.

The Fastest Robot in the World

Even robots that go through failed lab experiments become really really fast.

For less “Supery” kind of robots, check out the Inebriator, The Incredible Robot Bartender or A Robot Band that take “Metal Music” to a Whole New Level.