The new TiVo Mega can store 24 TB of media

The new TiVo is an authentic treat for those users who are constantly running out of space: it can record 24 TB (that is terabytes) of media!

We still remember the time when having a gigabyte HDD on our desktop computers was impressive, and if anyone had told us about this gadget back then, we would have just stared in disbelief. Turns out, the new TiVo Mega, a device capable of recording and storing your favorite TV shows has a monstrous 24TB HDD ready for use. That’s the equivalent of roughly 26,000 hours of shows, or 26,000 episodes of Game of Thrones, in top notch quality. Users will be able to record 3 years of HD videos without ever having to delete anything, but it is also capable of recording several broadcasts at once from cable, video-on-demand and web apps.

This baby will come out in 2015, and will cost $5,000 USD (ouch). Hey, it’s the biggest hard-drive we’ve ever seen. At least it comes with a life-long subscription to TiVo, which would otherwise costs $15 a month. Put like that, it pays itself off it 333 months.

Via Technabob

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