The Wolverine Claws Toy Makes Kids Superheroes

If there was something called safety and non-violence being included in to a child’s curriculum, the Wolverine retractable battle claws certainly do not find a place there. Wolverine must be hunting all the evil guys around with his retractable claws but many kids and geeks find him so cool that they want to be like him, walk like him, talk like him and even have an arm like him! Only, Wolverine’s hands are too lethal for a kid.

Smyths Toys have unveiled these Wolverine’s Retractable Battle Claws, which cost about £15. If you make a scary face like the kid here, you would certainly be able to scare a few people away. However, if you are a parent, you would certainly be worried about the injuries such claws can cause to your kid or his friends. Nevertheless, the retractable claws are quite cool and what makes them cooler is the fact that they come with special clashing sound effects. The retractable claws look formidable and lethal enough and slowly, I feel like wearing them myself to clear the world off some evil when I still can. This is what they call “a sudden change of heart” I guess.

If you want some Handmade Wolverine Claws, you could contact the guy who did them earlier. If you would like a more adult toy, you could try the Wolverine Toy we had featured earlier.

Via ShinyShiny