Xbox One to Run Windows 10 Apps in 2015

As Microsoft reveals their plans for an Xbox One update, it seems that the console will be able to work with Windows 10 apps from next year.

Windows 8 was an ungodly beast of an operating system. We’ve spoken time and time again about its uncomfortable features, a layout that made it useless to everybody who hadn’t forked out for a pricey touchscreen monitor and it carelessly robbed us of the Start menu. The horror. Microsoft is looking to replace that with Windows 10 though, and the company has promised that along with giving us back the Start menu and ditching that god awful Metro tiled layout, it will also make it far easier for developers to make apps that work across all of Microsoft’s devices. And, it seems, that includes the Xbox One.

In their Windows 10 announcement post, Microsoft specifically explained the following,

“Windows 10 will run across an incredibly broad set of devices, some of these devices have 4 inch screens – some have 80 inch screens – and some don’t have screens at all. Some of these devices you hold in your hand, others are ten feet away. Some of these devices you primarily use touch/pen, others mouse/keyboard, others controller/gesture”

While PCs can use an Xbox controller as a control input, given that mouse/keyboard is the standard control combo, it seems that they were referring to Xbox consoles.

Not only this but next year the Xbox One is set to get a whopping great update. While the entire list of features hasn’t been announced, it will allow the console to work with “universal Windows apps” i.e apps developed for Windows 10. It will even give the console a shiny new dashboard that switches out the usual green and black colour scheme for a lovely blue one (as seen above).

A console that has got off to a relatively staggered start, the reveal could potentially buff up the Xbox One’s sales and Microsoft is no doubt looking for a way to keep the Xbox brand in line with the Windows side of things. That’s especially clear after current Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella dismissed suggestions that he sell off the Xbox brand and make a tidy profit.

We’ll keep you posted once we know more.

Source: IBTimes

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