The Amazing Zoetrope Cake, Inspired By Tim Burton

Tim Burton always delivers exactly what his fans expect in his movies, to the point where people can know before watching a movie if they’ll like it or not. It’s the same with this cake. And the verdict? As long as you like Burton and chocolate, it’s the best thing ever.

This is the creation of French food artist and filmmaker (what a combination of jobs!) Alexandre DUBOSC. It’s an animated zoetrope cake inspired by the work of Tim Burton, and titled  The Caketrope of BURTON’s Team.

It displays elements from from some of Burton’s most well known movies, such as Batman and The Nightmare Before Christmas. But the best part is to actually see the cake in motion. Check out the video below.

Via: Laughing Squid

Check out some of our other running stories in this special day, Capcom’s Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collector’s Set and Star Wars’ 35th Anniversary: The Force Is Strong With This One.