Watch Sark Glow in the Dark with the Lightning Hoodie

So what is the thing you crave the most for? To meet your favorite hero at least once? To have some features to make you look just like them? Tron has definitely been one of the major reasons for such tempting desires, well, so let’s be a part of this unimaginable world by wearing the flashy Sark Tron Hoodie.Watch Sark Glow in the Dark with the Lightning Hoodie

Definitely everyone remembers the man behind the character Sark, a merciless person who was willing to do anything to please the MCP’s. Described as brutal and needlessly sadistic, Sark was de-razed when his master perished. But there is an awesome way to keep the Sark memories with you with the Sark hoodie that’s glows in the dark.

Watch Sark Glow in the Dark with the Lightning Hoodie (2)


Personally, I think this hoodie makes you shine with its lightning bolt effects in the dark! It’s definitely going to make your wardrobe the trendiest ever, and its one of the most extraordinary things you’d have ever come across. It’s definitely a combination of classiness with awesome comfort ability, all that for just $45, which is definitely a small price for its amazing capabilities.

Watch Sark Glow in the Dark with the Lightning Hoodie (3)

You a have theme parties late night, adorn this glow sweatshirt and watch your friends’ eager faces making them want one themselves. The hoodie glows red in the dark, so though it’s long time for you to wait for the character to appear in a cinematic version once more, you can definitely enjoy its taste with this magnificent hoodie, just like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Krang Hoodie or the Green Lantern Hoodie.

via: SuperPunch