The Awesomeness of a Princess Bride Themed Wedding

It’s been well established by science that the Princess Bride is probably one of the few chick-flicks that guys actually like, which makes it OK to be included in the society of geeky things it’s alright to do, like make you wedding completely about Princess Buttercup and Westley getting hitched.

So what is a Princess Bride wedding anyway? Well, first of all you get to dress like a princess, which just means a kind of ancient bride, while the groom, as Westley, puts on his Dread Pirate Roberts clothes on.

Westley Kisses Buttercup

What else? The drinks, or at least the labels on the drinks, have “Bottle of Wits Wine” placed on them, the cake has ‘As you wish’ written on it, the peanuts are approved by Fezzik, the Princess Bride book is scattered around the location for guests to take pictures with and you gotta have a white horse. Maybe even four of them, to match the ending.

Bottle of Wits

As You Wish Sign

As you wish cake


If you’re into the Princess Bride and haven’t had enough, this brilliant fan art that’s also used for some very cool T-shirts might fulfill your hunger.