Best Party Card Games for 2017

It seems that 2016 was the comeback year for party card games. All of a sudden everyone is talking about a new/old card game they played at a party, and wish for one to take place at their next social event.

It’s no longer just an upcoming trend, but a happening thing, and breaking the convention that card games are just for kids. Card games come in all shapes, colors and sizes, but they have one thing in common: They’re sure to make a party very lively. Combine it with a bit of drinking, and you can imagine just how fun these things can be. Below you’ll find some of the best selling party card games in 2016, and some new ones that are taking the market by storm.

Cards Against Humanity



We’ll kick off our list with Cards Against Humanity which was the #1 Party Card Game in 2016 and we anticipate it’s going to keep it’s number 1 place in 2017 as well.

Joking Hazard

new-party-cards-game-2017-joking-hazardJoking Hazard is a relatively new game, and already getting plenty of positive feedback as well as selling like crazy on Amazon. There’s no doubt that this card game going to be one of the most played party card game on 2017.


drunk-stoned-or-stupid-a-party-game-best-2017-card-gamesIf you are a HIMYM fan you will remember the episode where Marshall plays a game, ‘Drunk or Stupid’. Well this card game is somewhat similar to it. You can get it here on Amazon.

Exploding Kittens

best-card-games-party-2017-adultes-exploding-kittensIf you love oatmeal’s humor you should know that hehe did the artwork for this hilarious game.Exploding Kittens is a card game for people who are into kittens and are looking for a fun and crazy card game to play. You can already find several editions on Amazon.

What Do You Meme?


What Do You Meme, is one of the most promising card games for 2017. This card game is similar to Cards against Humanity but with pictures. It’s a perfect game for parties since the bigger the group, the better. 

For more fantastic party games check out our The 18 Best Party Games for Adults.