15 Best COVID-19 Superhero Face Masks

Though coronavirus pandemic has completely changed the way we live our lives, it does not have to stop us from expressing ourselves. While we are all required to wear masks when we step out, we can still express our personality via unique superhero face masks. Most of us here are superhero fans, and masks that are inspired by various superheroes can be a great way to project our personality. 

Imagine walking in a park or visiting the supermarket and having people look at you admiringly even when you’re wearing a mask! It is possible if you get one of these superhero masks that we have carefully chosen. However, please remember that these masks are not medical-grade. 

Strong Woman Face Mask

Strong Woman Face Mask

If the color is your thing, look no further than the Super Girl and Wonder Woman inspired face mask. It is perfect for anybody who likes to look up to strong women as sources of inspiration. Can you spot all the superheroes in this mask?


Two-layer Face Mask for Kids

Two-layer Face Mask for Kids

These two layer masks are perfect for children who love their superhero is to protect them from the virus. There are a number of portions available including Superman and what could be better than wearing one of these masks in order to make other kids envious?

Leather Face Mask for Captain America Fans

Leather Face Mask for Captain America Fans

We are not sure how comfortable this leather mask is going to be for wearers. However, we do know that any Captain America fan will grab one of these masks as quickly as they can. This mask also comes with a filter pocket and is handmade. 

Washable Superman Face Mask

Washable Superman Face Mask

If you’re looking for something more simple and easily washable, get this Superman inspired cotton non-medical face mask. It comes with adjustable ear loops and a triple layer protection with filter pocket. 

Reusable Atlantis Face Mask

Reusable Atlantis Face Mask

This face mask is made from micro fibre material and is long-lasting. You can wash it several times without affecting the print quality. It is perfect for those who are fans of quirky super heroes that are inspirational. 

Take a Walk on the Dark Side with This Mask On

Batman Face Mask

If you are a fan of Batman this is the mask you need to purchase. Put this mask on and ward off all the evil that comes your way. 

Fun Superhero Face Mask for Kids

Fun Superhero Face Mask for Kids

A jumble of super heroes on your face could just be what the doctor ordered. Not only is this fun, but it will also help kids comply with face mask rules in public. 

Washable Wonder Woman Cotton Face Mask

Washable Wonder Woman Cotton Face Mask

Those who are fans of wonderful man will be pleased to learn that this cotton mask is not only great to look at but is also very comfortable to wear. Add this to your collection. 

Superhero Face Masks for Teens and Kids

Superhero Face Mask for Teens and Kids

Teens and kids can purchase these superhero face masks which are colorful and fun. They can turn the wearer from zero to hero in an instant. 

Black Panther Face Mask

Black Panther Face Mask

Perfect for the rebellious and inspired. This mask will show everyone around that the wearer is a thinker and a rebel. 

Washable Avengers and Marvel Superhero Face Masks

Avengers and Marvel Face Masks

If you couldn’t get enough of the Avengers and Marvel super heroes, here is what you need to do. Grab one of the many masks that this seller sells. 

The Incredibles Face Masks

The Incredibles Face Masks

The Incredibles is known for its strong plot-line, and amazing adventures. Now, you can bring some of that adventure to this post-coronavirus society via these Incredibles-inspired face masks

The Dark Wonder Face Masks

The Dark Wonder Face Masks

These face masks are perfect for those who love Batman and Wonder Woman at the same time. You can buy them in pairs for yourself, or it is perfect for a couple. 

Superman Face Masks for Men

Superman Face Masks for Men

Men do not need to feel left out, and they can look stylish while wearing a mask too. All they need to do is to grab one of these Superman face masks.

Superman Superhero Face Masks for Kids

Superman Face Masks for Kids

Kids should grow up to be strong and adventurous, just like Superman. Who can be a better role model than Superman during this pandemic for kids? These COVID-19 masks are just perfect! More stylish face masks for kids can be found here.

Points to note

  • Please remember that these face masks are not medical-grade, and only help you to a certain extent in preventing infections. 
  • Follow your doctor’s advice to be sure, and practice physical distancing when in public.