Ba+ Co+ N: The Periodic BaCoN T-shirt

You’re starving but trapped in your school or college chemistry laboratory, what would you do? Stop racking your brains for there is now an effortless way to create your own bacon out of 3 chemical elements, brilliantly illustrated on this Periodic BaCoN T-shirt.The Periodic BaCoN T-shirt

Out of all the food and science or food cum science t-shirts this one is one of the best I’ve come across and if you’re still wondering what the hell I’m talking about well it’s Barium+ Cobalt+ Nitrogenà BaCoN.

So now wear this amazingly cool T-shirt and show the world how cool dealing with chemical compounds and science can be for this BaCon T-shirt lists the elements right out of the Periodic Table in a way so cool, there couldn’t possibly be a way to make science look cooler than it is on this t-shirt.


This T-shirt makes a great wear to science club meetings or meetings of other geeky clubs or how about simply walking around town wearing this t-shirt showing the non-geeky world what science did for man.

If you have a geek as a friend whose birthday is right around the corner and you have simply no idea what to get a geek, well go for this Periodic BaCoN t-shirt and I’m sure your friend will think it’s the coolest t-shirt on earth. And if he dosnt then you could probably try the Ultimate Gaming Shirt or the Gmail Sweatshirt.

This Periodic BaCoN t-shirt is available for $15.99 to $17.99 depending on your size. If only barium+ Cobalt+ Nitrogen actually created Bacon out of thin air.