Star Wars Pez Dispensers USB Sticks

Nothing is physically sweeter than candy, but still, eating candy, Pez to be exact, out of Star Wars Pez dispensers is even sweeter.

Apparently, eating those small cubes of sugar and artificial color is even better if it’s coming out of the head and body of one of your favorite characters.

Dave who runs Etsy shop DHHDesign, decided that nothing would be cooler than popping candy into your mouth with the faces of Darth Vader, Chewbacca or the two most popular droids this side of the galaxy, and made these especially for those who can’t have enough of their Star Wars fix, at least until Episode VII comes out.






The best part? These aren’t only candy storage space with a spring and mechanism. It has a USB stick in it, multiplying it’s geeky factor by ten folds, not to mention making it quite the useful invention.

Darth Vader

Darth Vader



There are more than just Star Wars designs at DHHdesign, and we’re pretty sure you’ll find something to your liking.

For more USB awesomeness, check out these Simpsons designs. For more Pez geekiness, check out this oldie but goody – The Alien PEZ dispenser.