Have Eyes on Your Back with The Stormtrooper Backpack

Imagine how different our lives would be if we had a pair of eyes at the back of our heads. It would be so easy to keep a tab on what goes behind our backs.

We would know what our friends talk about us behind our backs. We would know all the plotting and scheming that goes behind our backs. If you ever wished for eyes at the back of your head in order to know the true nature of your so-called ‘friends’, then this Star Wars inspired backpack  is something you would love to have.


The Stormtrooper Back Buddy is a backpack that features a fully armed Stormtrooper hanging on your back. What makes this bag a really cool Star Wars collectible is that when the user wears the Stormtrooper Back Buddy on his back, it looks like he has a Stormtrooper as his bodyguard. With a trooper who helped the evil empire rule the galaxy covering our backs, even bullies would think twice before picking on us.

The design aesthetic of the backpack is an exact replica of the fictional soldier from the space saga. It features a similar white and black armor stitched on a rich cloth-material. The attention to detail of the cloth of the Stormtrooper is simply amazing. The helmet-head of the trooper contains goggle-covered eyes, the permanent frown-shaped mouth, and a square shaped jaw with the cheeks jutting out.

Other design features of the Stormtrooper Back Buddy include articulated lines on the legs of the trooper, black pads that cover the elbows and knees, and a tool belt that is strapped around its waist. The one element that catches the eye is the big, black, blaster gun resting on the hands of the Stormtrooper. The gun is fashioned from a soft cushion-like material.

With its radical Stormtrooper armor as design, it is easy to forget that the Stormtrooper Back Buddy is a backpack as well. The user would find the Back Buddy a very comfortable bag to hang around the shoulders with its soft and durable shoulder grip. The backpack has a small storage pouch that opens with a zip. A black stencil of a pause and record button is etched on the storage pouch.

The Stormtrooper Back Buddy is one of those fanboy collectibles that should appeal to a wider audience. At the end of the day who wouldn’t want to have a Stormtrooper protecting his or her back. One can avail this backpack at $40.00.

If you wish to look at some other designs, go through Geeky Backpack Designs and Star Wars Back Buddy Boda Fett Jet Pack.