9 Fantastic Superhero Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Superheroes celebrate Christmas too… I think. And even if they don’t, they can be part of the holiday by featuring on an ugly Christmas Sweater, which you’re probably planning on getting.



Surprisingly, the Superhero ugly Christmas Sweater market isn’t that vast and filled with options. Superman and Batman have quite a few nice options, but for the rest, be it Marvel or DC, you’ll probably find it difficult to locate a better looking (uglier, that means) ugly Christmas sweater than the ones we’re recommending:

Superman Ugly Christmas Sweater

Superman Ugly Christmas Sweater

The Man of Steel has never looked uglier, yet so appropriate for Christmas than on this ugly sweater.

Batman Inspired Ugly Christmas Sweater

Batman Ugly Christmas Sweater

In this allegory, Santa is commissioner Gordon and Batman is one of his reindeers. The color actually reminds me of Nightwing, who is a product of Batman’s teachings, making this quite the detailed-filled sweater for Christmas.

Spider-Man Ugly Christmas Sweater

Spider-Man Ugly Christmas Sweater

This sweater makes it seem like Spider-Man, or just his mask, is caught in his web. Maybe it’s someone trying to tell Peter Parker that one day the web of lies he’s weaving by trying to protect the ones he love is going to get him in trouble.

Marvel’s Avengers Ugly Christmas Sweater

Marvel's Avengers Christmas Sweaters

It’s been awhile since Marvel’s Avengers have looked like that. It actually adds the necessary quality to make this a truly special ugly Christmas sweater.

Wonder Woman Ugly Christmas Sweater

Wonder Woman Ugly Christmas Sweater

Probably my favorite ugly Christmas sweater on this list, as it truly captures the superhero logo and the holiday spirit, along with the matching colors, in one hideous yet perfect clothing item.

Deadpool Ugly Christmas Sweater

Deadpool Ugly Christmas Sweater

It takes a certain amount of self-deprecating humor to put on a good ugly Christmas sweater. Deadpool is the kind of character who wouldn’t mind wearing something like that, which makes him the the perfect face (or mask) to put on for Christmas dinner.

The Flash Ugly Christmas Sweater

The Flash Ugly Christmas Sweater

Another one of the sweaters that’s more to my liking on this list, because the color combination and the look of Flash make it one of those ugly Christmas sweaters that are the epitome of this whole trend.

Captain America Ugly Christmas Sweater

Captain American Ugly Christmas Sweater

Just Cap’s way of wishing you a Merry Christmas: Through an especially ugly Christmas Sweater.

X-Men Cardigan Sweater

X-Men Cardigan Sweater

Not a Christmas sweater per say, and it’s actually pretty good looking, not ugly, but I had to include this brilliant X-Men Xavier’s School women’s cardigan, because it might not be an actual Christmas item, but it’s perfect for the holiday, and for a lot more than that.