In honor of DC’s Villain Month, with each title in the DC arsenal gets taken over by an iconic villain, they also get a lenticular 3D motion on the cover of each book.
Bizzaro on the cover of Superman
Includes a hand that looks like it’s going to jump out of the page and rip your throat out (in a PG-13 kind of way).
Cyborg Superman on the cover of Action Comics
Batman: Arkham Origins Ad also Comes in 3d
The third installment in the n the Batman: Arkham series, scheduled for release on October 25, 2013.
Desaad takes over Earth 2
While the robes don’t ove as much as I’d like them too, there’s no doubt the dancing flames in the background are super cool.
The Ventriloquist on the cover of Batman: The Dark Knight
The coolest thing about this image are the dolls in the background, swinging back and forth in a most creepy way.