9 Superb Geeky T-Shirts for ‘Westworld’ Fans

Whether you’re a fan of the soon-to-be popular again Westworld movie from 1973, or simply hyped about the 2016 version of the story coming to TV through HBO, a Westworld T-Shirt is something you need to have.

9 Superb Geeky T-Shirts for ‘Westworld’ Fans


For those who don’t know or remember, Westworld tells the story of Delos, an amusement park which features very human-like androids putting on a show in a wild-west like environment. To make things interesting, things go very wrong at some point, which makes for an excellent story to tell, and a super cool Westworld t-shirt to wear. Here are the best that we mustered up for you to choose from:

Westworld 1973 Movie T-Shirt

Westworld 1973 Movie T-Shirt

People might not remember, but the 1973 film was a hit with moviegoers and film critics, and makes for an awesome shirt or poster. It’s available in black, grey, royal blue and white.

Westworld The Gunslinger T-Shirt

Westworld The Gunslinger T-Shirt

Ah, Yul Brynner. One of the coolest dudes around once upon a time, as a stone-hearted Egyptian ruler, or as the gunslinger of a malfunctioning amusement park. The shirt is available in 10 different colors.

Westworld HBO TV Show Logo T-Shirt

Westworld HBO Logo T-Shirt

The HBO show is described as a a dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the future of sin. Sounds slick, clean, scary. This shirt delivers the expected atmosphere pretty well.

Westworld 2016 Women’s Middle Sleeve T-Shirt

Westworld Middle Sleeve Women's T-Shirt

Every hero has a code is a pretty cool line to have on your shirt, and the lady-fans of the show can enjoy what might be the best looking shirt design Westworld has to offer.

Westworld Every Hero has a Code Men’s T-Shirt

Westworld Every Hero has a Code T-Shirt

Guys can enjoy the tagline of the show too, and it even comes in six different sizes, from small through the medium, large, x-large, xx-large and 3x.

Westworld Men’s Short T-Shirt

Westworld Men's short T-Shirt

Simple, short, cool. The art on the shirt is abstract in a way (unless you really know what the show/movie is about), making it mysterious in a fun kind of way. The T-shirt is available in Navy, red, white and deep heather.

Westworld Delos T-Shirt

Westworld Delos T-Shirt

Delos is the amusement park featured in the film and the HBO 2016 series. Kinda reminds me of the Dharma initiative from LOST, which is a pretty awesome shirt to have as well. But you’re here for Westworld, so get the Delos one.

Straight Outta Westworld T-Shirt

Straight Outta Westworld T-Shirt

Not too long ago, Straight Outta (insert here) shirts were everywhere. Picking them up now with a Westworld theme, in black, green, royal blue, red or navy, is part of being cool again.

Westworld T-Shirt for Infants

Westworld T-Shirt for Infants

This may be an adult show with adult themes, but there’s no reason for your baby to miss out on the fun of walking around with a cool Westworld T-shirt.