34 Geeky Pumpkin Faces

I just love Halloween Costumes, Funny Pumpkin Faces Creations, and definitely the Candy. For this Halloween, we searched for different Pumpkin Jack O Lanterns art that is seen all around in Halloween and found a lot of creativity. Below you can find 34 Geeky Pumpkin Faces Creations as Awesome Halloween Craft that may not be scary but still relate to Technology, Video Games, Movies, and some other fun Jack O Lanterns.

Update for Halloween 2010: 200 Pumpkin Carvings

There must be so many more, and we would love to know about them, so please let us know in the comments.


Also, you can find the specific artists for any of these pumpkins at the respective links for each image.

Happy Halloween!

1 Space Invaders Invade Halloween

space invaders pumpkin carving

I simply love the Space Invaders Aliens, and this one carved into a pumpkin by MikeWebkist is thrilling.

2 Star Wars Halloween Special

yoda pumpkin carving

boba fett pumpkin

star wars death star pumpkin

These great Halloween Pumpkins from StudentHacks (SH) pay tribute to the wonderful Star Wars movies with Yoda, Boba Fett, and the Death Star. The triple Darth Vader pumpkin faces are from Pumpkingutter, RevJim5000 and GeeksofDoom while R2 D2 is from Derringdos. Further below SH also provide a great touch of Jack Nicholson’s character from the Shining and even one of an Orange Pac Man.

darth vader pumpkin

darth vader pumpkin carving

r2d2 pumpkin

3 Internet Browsers

internet explorer browser pumpkin

So Google Chrome is not created yet, but we have the Internet Explorer and Firefox Pumpkins from CyberNetNews (CyNN) available.

firefox browser pumpkin

4 Pumpkin Pac Man

new pacman game pumpkin

This yellow guy is looking a little orange in Halloween and still up to his old eating habits in the two images below from StudentHacks and WilWheaton. Good old Pacman is celebrating trick or treating with us this year.

pacman characters pumpkin

5 Good ol’ Mario

super mario pumpkin

We cannot stop but love this famous Nintendo Plumber. Mario is so popular, so loved, and Rakka, GamerGene, GreatGeekManual and Kotaku present the pumpkin faces well in these Halloween Jack O Lanterns.

6 Halloween Movies

jack nicholson shining pumpkin

These Movie tribute Halloween Pumpkin Faces are great for geeks, movie fans, and trick or tricksters. Provided by SH, SouthernGeekGirl, Steve and Jim Murphy we can see the Shining, Spock, the Wizard of Oz and Say Anything’s famous boombox scene.

spock pumpkin

wizard of oz pumpkin

7 Comic Books

green lantern pumpkin

The Green Lantern and Dark Knight make their appearance thanks to Greg Hughes, Trioculus, Spookmaster and Markisawesome.

batman pumpkin carving

8 Lego Pumpkin

lego pumpkin

Orange Lego Bricks make up this beautiful Pumpkin Halloween Craft creation from NerdApproved. There are so many amazing Lego Creations, and this one is another to the collection.

9 Mac O Lanterns

apple pumpkin

a Great combination of Apples and Pumpkins make up these great new Pumpkin Faces. Made of old Mac computers, this Mac Creation belongs at every geek’s home. In addition, JoyOfTech, Jason Sewell, and kate give us additional Apple Pumpkin love.

mac pumpkin

10 Robot Pumpkin

No Tech Pumpkin Collection would be complete without some Robot Love, so here is a Robot Pumpkin Halloween DIY.

11 RSS

rss icon pumpkin

If you liked this Halloween Pumpkin Jack O Lantern Collection or other posts, please do not forget to Subscribe to our RSS, and to add to the mix, here is a great RSS Pumpkin Creation from SoapBoxProphet.

12 Linux Penguin

You may not use Linux or even be familiar with it, but the Linux Penguin is one of the cutest logo/mascots I have ever seen. Now, it is carved on a pumpkin thanks to CyNN.

13 Transformers

This Optimus Prime pumpkin more than meets the eye. It is an amazing final touch to the Pumpkin Faces Collection from FantasyPumpkins.

For More cool Pumpkin Carvings, check out the huge collection of 130 Halloween Pumpkin Carvings.
