Darth Vader T-Shirt Lights up the Dark Side

Well with the recent conclusion of Celebration V (you know, like the super cool Star Wars only celebration for nerds), it seems fitting to feature some fun Star Wars attire. Today for your amusement I present to you the Light Up Darth Vader T-shirt, which is just geek enough to be fun for you and your geeky Star Wars fan friends without the “wow that guy really went all out” look.

Now if you’re walking around the average convention center I have news for you: It is gonna get hot, baby. Don’t be “that guy” stinking up the elevators, just take out the glowy bits (they can easily be removed, no excuses there Shrek) and throw the Tee in the laundry. If you’re not gonna shower, at least wear some clothes that smell like Summer rain.


But for most shirts that offer some sort of light-me-up functionality, there’s gotta be a battery pack somewhere. It probably won’t be very big, but there’s always that nagging “I have battery hanging off me” sensation. If you can get past that though, and you’re willing to cough up the $39.99, this shirt is just right for you! Of course if you’re in the market for other light up shirts, we may have what you’re looking for here at Walyou, like this Glow in the Dark Lightning Hoodie or our very own list of 28 Cool and Geeky Costume Hoodies.

Via:  Oh Gizmo!