A Hamburger Dress is the Latest in Food Fashion


Hmm, shall we say this Hamburger fashion dress is tasty or interesting? In either case, this is one fashion statement everyone will be able to relate to. Everyone who loves burgers (that is just about anyone on planet earth!) will have something good to say about this dress, disguised as a hamburger.

You would think i am mistaken to say a dress can be disguised as something else, but that’s just what it is – a hamburger dress.  I am sure everyone would agree, the designer, Joy Kampia O’Shell definitely has a good taste in food, textile, fashion and style. The dress is put together using crochet, making it more flexible to fit into.



It’s worth the cost, to own and wear this hamburger dress at any of those theme parties, or just to flaunt your love for burgers. Once the slice of ham is omitted, it is a perfect fit even for all the vegetarian foodies out there. I have to admit, with all those colors, it also does make a burger look more appetizing!

If this dress seems too tasty, check out other great fashion statements such as the Hamburger Bed, Domo Kun dress, and the infamous iPhone Panties.


Joy Kampia O’Shell Via: Gizmodiva