Geeky Pacman Scarves brings back Nostalgic Memories


Knitted stuff always manages to pull off that over-the-edge appeal on garments, and when it’s with Mr Pacman and a troop of multicolored  Ghosts chasing him, I don’t think we could have asked for more. The Pacman Scarf has all the elements of the maze game knitted into a excellent sequence. Here, both Mr Pacman and his better-half are shown to be eating Pac-dots and moving towards the same direction symbolized by a pink heart at the peak.



Kayluh_Alison has retained the peculiar Maze-like essence of the famous American arcade game. The introduction of Mrs. Pacman was more of sequel and it had first hit shelves in the form of an unauthorized version of the same game. Speaking of Pac-man laced stuff, I haven’t witnessed a lot of Mrs. Pacman embellishments. But this Scarf does perfect justice to the Pacman duo with both of them etched on different ends. Since scarves are more of a versatile clothing accessory that can be wisely teamed up with either summer or winter wear, this can be a cool addition to one’s wardrobe.


This doesn’t seem to be something that you can buy from the shelves of Amazon or Ebay. If you want one, you got to make one! Or else, you will have to perpetually wait for some fashion big-wig to take this seriously and dish out some retail units. For more Pacman inspired clothing and accessories, check the cute Pacman Belts, the incredibly cool Pacman Shoes and the Pacman Hooded Sweatshirt.
