Steampunk Swiss Knife Gun is the Next Generation of Weapons

Now and again, you come across a new innovation or product, which leaves you baffled as you wonder how to put that thing to use, not just because you’re spoiled for choices, but also because you’re too busy marveling at it and the creativity involved. One such product etched in the pages of history was the trademark Swiss Knife. Now, here at walyou we present to you the next generation of product design in this field – the miniature Steampunk weapon, an innovative add-on to the same concept behind the Swiss knife.

steampunk gun main

Anyone with a basic grasp of history will know how medieval weapons gave way to artillery weapons that used gunpowder and thats how knives and swords stepped aside to let guns storm their way in. Similarly, this Steampunk gun can be considered to be an able replacement for the Swiss knife without taking any glory away from it. The Swiss knife was a survival tool for man in the last century, and the new Steampunk gun carries the banner forward onto the 21st century. Not only does it have the customary fork, knife, spoon, bottle opener, screwdriver but it also packs in a lighter, watch and even a USB based flash drive. Seriously, if James Bond’s mission were to open a bottle of ketchup to have some pasta or spaghetti followed by lighting a cigar and then transferring a photo of him doing all of this, then he would carry a Steampunk gun.


steampunk gun sight view

If Steampunk products like these leave you wanting for more be sure to check out Steampunk Gauntlet and Steampunk Masks too.

Via: GizmoWatch