Apple has clarified some of the policies for developers, now that health apps are coming. Basically, user’s health data is not for sale.
It’s official: Apple doesn’t want developers to sell health data to advertisers. The new iPhone coming next month will include health tracking devices, and obviously, lots of developers and users are going to take advantage of that and a new world of health apps will be born.Yet, whoever uses the “HealthKit” platform has a very specific clause that says they are not allowed to sell any data gathered using it to advertisers. Apple have already announced their own, standard app dubbed “Health”, which is able to measure blood pressure, heart rate and keep records of users’ diet and exercise patterns.
The rules clarify a very special exception: “third parties for medical research purposes” as long as they get users’ consent. In their own words, “Your application must not access the HealthKit APIs unless it is primarily designed to provide health and/or fitness services, and this usage is clearly evident in your marketing text and user interface.” It goes on explaining that “[developers] and [their] application may not use the HealthKit APIs, or any information obtained through the HealthKit APIs, for any purpose other than providing health and/or fitness services in connection with your application (eg not for serving advertising).”
Apple have already sent invitations for an event this 9th of September, where we expect we will see their latest iPhone along their new, wearable technology. The other rumor that needs to be clarified is if they are indeed joining the smartwatch race or not.
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