Imagine a place called Walyou…

We are still working on the website but have launched our Blog meanwhile. Opening up this Blog before actually completing the website is somewhat unusual, but we figured it’s never too early to give value and receive feedback from our future users.

Walyou will be a place to store your information and share your knowledge about the electronic products you own.

Picture yourself not having to dig through your pile of old papers for support information about your products. Imagine a place where, just like searching for friends on Facebook and adding them to your list, you could add your new laptop, digital camera or game console to an account and simply receive relevant information about how to deal with its quirks. This community surrounding your products enables you to connect with others who own the same products, to share knowledge not only when problems occur but also when you just want to explore and have fun. This is what we are working on 24/7.


Come check the Blog from time to time to follow our latest developments and help us with your suggestions.

Thank You!