Math Calculation Coasters

If you want to practice some math calculations or prepare your children for an exam at the meal table anytime you sit down to eat, these math coasters may provide some inspiration.


I know many kids aren’t too fond of any math claculation that is brought on by their parents, but these coasters may be just the fun accessory to make them look at it differently. Imagine sitting down with your children at the breakfast table and each day present a different calculation based on the placemat they use that day.

On the one hand, it could create a different atmosphere at the table, but it may also cause peopel to look at math completely different. Then I’m also certain some kids would just pick the easy ‘addition’ coaster every morning if they do not want to start thinking, and with that, some parents would probably use all placemats possible.

The coaster cost $22 for a set, and they are offered in different felt colors: charcoal, red, green and blue. For other Mathematical gadgets and items, take a look at the Geekiest Math Clock Ever and the Math Watch.

Product Page Via: NerdApproved