The Guitar Hero Neck Tie: Not So Much Fashion As Function!

guitar hero controller buttons necktie

How many of you truly wish that you turned up for a party and sneaked out unnoticed…A silly question, considering the fact that you are there to ‘party’, attract attention, be loud and brash, and walk out with a chick in your arm (if you’re lucky, that is!).

Well, you don’t need a secret potion to realize this ultimate shindig dream. For starters, you could dress up in this funky Guitar Hero Neck Tie that has eccentricity written all over it. Match it with a magical charm-inducing tuxedo and you are all set to be the cynosure of all eyes and the most sought-after soul at the party.


Jokes aside, the ‘Key’ tie is at best a lame attempt at creativity. Its 100% polyester fabric that is silky to the touch may not be a unique value proposition either. However, we must partly agree that the product scores on the function front where it falters on the fashion quotient. It can be used for both formal and casual occasions, albeit without leaving a lingering impression. Not much to complain about, when this aspect of dressing hasn’t been subject to the drawing board as much as the rest! If you’re convinced, you can pick one at Zazzle for $29.95.

For other Guitar Hero fan made creations, make sure to take a bite out of the Guitar Hero Cake, freak out from the real Guitar Hero Controller Tattoo, or add to the fashion with the Guitar Hero Cufflinks.