Gaming themed Donkey Kong Castset is Perfect for Any Child’s Room

One would rarely find any kid who is not interested in gaming, and even rarer to find a kid’s room without any gaming poster on it’s walls such as Donkey Kong. Well if you really enjoy gaming and would like your kids to enjoy it too, then the new Donkey Kong Castset gaming oriented casts would be the perfect way to decorate your child’s room.

cool donkey kong table carvings

Each cast is hand made and is guaranteed to last a life time. The creation of award winning winning carving artist Melissa Jones, these sure did attract the eyes of many a gaming fans and arcade owners alike. This particular piece is based on one of the most popular games in the gaming history and I think there is no need for me to explain any further. But this beauty comes at a steep price too, selling for $250.00 every thing here is guaranteed to be top class. Each cast is hand carved and casted in high quality Urethane plastic, one of the best in the industry. Later a high end golden acrylic paint is smeared on the cast to give off a very cool look.


You can also check out the cool Tetris Wall Shelves or the Tetris tiles for more innovative methods to make your house a bit more gaming oriented.