Concept Super Bikes from Agorapode April Contest, the Diode is the Winner!

There are Bikes. Then there are Super Bikes. And then there are Cyberpunk Bikes. We bring to you some very very hot collection of bikes from the Agorapode Car Contest for the month of April 2010. Lets bomb it!

Although traditionally we generally move from last to first position in the results of any contest, but here we will take the winner first and then hover down to other finalists.

No doubt, the Agorapode Concept competition would be hard given the concepts thrown by the enthusiasts but I have no doubt about the winner in, the Diode by Jon McCoy. Just have a peek at the picture below. Surely, no judge would have a hard time picking a winner in the Diode. Man… I’m a fan of this one from the first look and surely this will be my machine’s wallpapers for at least a two weeks or three, given that fact that I use to change the wallpaper daily. Kinda weird, I know, do not put it in comments. The most intriguing feature of the bike, to me, is the height which is almost the same as that of its tyre. You do not sit on this creature, you literally lie over it while driving. Just Wow!


Going south, we have a runner up in, the Seize by Mauricio Mozeto. An awesome concept for sure, only shadowed by the breath taking design of winner, the Diode. One can notice a slightly comfortable seat than the Diode’s, coupled with excellent looks and sharp design. Enjoy the two pics below.

Mauricio Mozeto - Seize

Then the third position for which some real artwork is also available. maybe that is what was going in Gustavo Scatena’s mind while coming out with a design that earned him the bronze medal in the for of, the Z-Cycle. Those with a good eye, I mean an in-depth kind of view, would notice the process the creator has shown in the pic below that produced the Z-Cycle. Nice , but what I like the most is the last picture with a smoky girl sitting on the bike (last pic) and the bike’s height, again it is almost at par with the Tyre, quite appealing to me. What do you say, hmm? Have a look at the pictures below.

Gustavo Scatena Z Cycle - process
Gustavo Scatena Z Cycle - the making

Gustavo Scatena Z Cycle

So that was it. Enjoy more of such stuff like the JetBike and kind of threatening, the Black Widow Steampunk Chopper bike.